Why American Muslims Should Look Beyond the White House
"Let 2016 serve as a call to action...to ensure that another campaign does not threaten the rights or very existence of Muslim Americans ever again."
As an American Muslim, I'm Tired of Having to Prove I Belong
"Let us move forward as Americans and fight intolerance, discrimination and injustice together. Let us live."
In Yemen, Trump's 'America First' Has Morphed Into 'Saudi First'
"... and innocent Yemeni children, women, and men are paying the price."
Don't Wait for the Next War to Rebuild Gaza
"Obama should honor this commitment ... and ensure that the blockade on Gaza is not handed off to the next president of the United States"
Opinion: Why is Gov. Abbott Silent on Welcoming Afghans to Texas? - Houston Chronicle - (9/6/21)
American Muslims Demand More of Biden Than Simply Not Being Trump - Truthout - (1/21/21)
Trump vs. His Uighur Policy - Project Syndicate - (7/24/20)
Corporate News Coverage of the Pandemic is Rife With Islamophobia - Truthout - (4/19/20)
Media's "Good vs. Bad Guy" Rhetoric Bolsters Warmongering - Truthout - (1/9/20)
More Than Just a "Joke": The Unchecked Misogyny of Some Muslim Male Scholars - Alt Muslimah - (11/29/19)
Why Isn't Dan Crenshaw Following His Own Advice with Ilhan Omar? - Houston Chronicle - (4/15/19)
Why are Interfaith Communities the Ones on the Front Lines Against Hate? - Bustle - (3/19/19)
In Yemen, Trump's 'America First' Has Morphed Into 'Saudi First' - TIME - (11/13/18)
The Court Has Been Wrong Before. We Must Keep Fighting. - Forward - (6/27/18)
Break the Ban Before Breaking the Fast - Medium: Why a Former White House Iftar Attendee Organized a Counter Iftar - (6/6/18)
Trump's Jerusalem Decision Puts the Middle East on Knife's Edge - CNN - (12/7/17)
Enough With the Profiling Already! - Huffington Post - (12/6/17)
Less than One Month After Charlottesville, Bigotry is Back - HuffPost - (9/8/17)
Sessions Hearing Strengthened My Resolve to Increase Muslim Engagement in Congress - HuffPost - (1/13/17)
The World, Not Just Assad, Is to Blame for Aleppo Tragedy - Truthout - (12/15/16)
As a Muslim American, a Trump Presidency Was My Worst Nightmare. But I'm Not Going Anywhere - Salaam Gateway - (11/10/16)
Muslim Tourists Likely to Avoid U.S. in Near Future - Salaam Gateway - (11/8/16)
Muslim Americans Organize with their Money and Their Votes - Salaam Gateway - (10/30/16)
Ban or Path to Citizenship? How American Immigration Reform Affects the Global Islamic Economy - Salaam Gateway - (10/23/16)
Trump's anti-Muslim Rhetoric Could Hurt Muslim Investments in U.S. - and His Wallet - Salaam Gateway - (10/16/16)
Want Peace Between Israel and Palestine? The Iran Deal is a Good Guide - The Guardian - (9/21/16)
Don't Make Gun Control Yet Another Way to Persecute Muslims - The Guardian - (6/24/16)
Why American Muslims Should Look Beyond the White House - CNN - (5/6/16)
On Palestinian Human Rights, We in America Need to Move from Talk to Action - Haaretz - (4/19/16)
The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Problem: Why Do Anti-Islam Muslims Keep Getting Promoted as "Experts"? - Vox - (3/1/16)
Obama's Mosque Visit a Step Forward, but More Work Ahead - Huffington Post - (2/11/16)
Muslim Protectors: The Untold Story of the Holocaust - Huffington Post - (2/1/16)
As an American Muslim, I'm Tired of Having to Prove I Belong - VICE - (1/1/16)
Don't Wait for the Next War to Rebuild Gaza - Al Jazeera America - (12/24/15)
Occupation's Violence Admitted by Israeli Officials - But What About Congress? - The Hill - (11/12/15)
I Am Your Protector: Creating a New Reality Through Stories of Real Life Heroes - Huffington Post - (10/21/15)
Anti-Muslim Remarks Not Just Offensive - They Also Affect Policy - The Hill - (9/30/15)
What Obama Got Wrong on ISIS - The Hill - (7/10/15)
The Case for Boycotts and Engagement - Why I Attended the White House Iftar - Patheos Muslim - (6/28/15)
It's On Us to Stop Americans from Joining ISIS - Huffington Post - (6/15/15)
Why the Iraqi Plan to Retake Ramadi from the Islamic State Group is Doomed - US News & World Report (6/2/15)
Congress's Destructive anti-Palestine Agenda: The International Outrage Nobody is Talking About - Salon - (5/14/15)
Pamela Geller and Company Went Looking for Trouble - Dallas Morning News - (5/5/15)
Nuclear Negotiators Must Continue Their Work - The Baltimore Sun - (4/4/15)
What Netanyahu Got Wrong - FCNL - (3/3/15)
Watershed Week for Diplomacy - FCNL - (2/26/15)
Bombs are Not the Answer: 5 Non-Military Ways to Stop the Islamic State Group - US News & World Report - (2/18/15)
#MuslimLivesMatter: Tragedy at Chapel Hill - FCNL - (2/11/15)
Enough is Enough: No More Tolerating Hateful Comments from Elected Officials - Huffington Post (2/9/15)
I was Heckled by Christians at Texas Muslim Capitol Day - Muslim Girl - (2/2/15)
Let's Not Appropriate Hijab - Coming of Faith - (11/24/14)
Why Young Muslims Should Reject ISIL - Al Jazeera America - (10/16/14)
After the Ceasefire: Injured Gazans Return to More Challenges - Huffington Post - (9/23/14)
Where is the Justice? - Huffington Post - (7/11/14)
America, Home of the Double Standard? - Huffington Post - (2/4/14)
The Problem with Petitions- for Muslim School Holidays and Otherwise - Patheos Muslim - (1/28/14)
Leggo My Flashcards! - Huffington Post - (12/31/13)
Somewhere in America, Muslim Women Are... - Alt Muslimah - (12/5/13)
Muslim Superheroes - Marketing Gimmick or Much More? - Huffington Post - (11/11/13)
Torn: A Film on Fear, Faith, and Stereotypes in America - Huffington Post - (10/18/13)
The Pentagon's Guantanamo Review Board - Progress or Procrastination? - Huffington Post - (10/15/13)
Visibly Muslim by Choice - Coming of Faith - (8/21/13)
Meeting Malala - Huffington Post - (7/15/13)
Want to Visit the Holy Land? First, You Have to Get In - Huffington Post - (8/11/13)
Boiling Pot: A Scalding Lesson on America's Enduring Racism - Huffington Post - (6/4/13)
Day by Day: An American Muslim's Thoughts After the Boston Attack - Huffington Post - (4/23/13)
'You Must Visit Jerusalem' - Huffington Post - (5/28/13)
A Muslim Convention in a Church? You Better Believe It - Huffington Post - (12/19/12)
'I Have Aha Moment Exhaustion!' My Afternoon With Oprah and Pastor Rick Warren - Huffington Post (10/12/12)
The Anti-Islam Video that Broke the Camel's Back - Huffington Post - (9/27/12)
A Visit to the 9/11 Memorial - Huffington Post - (9/11/12)
Opinion: Why is Gov. Abbott Silent on Welcoming Afghans to Texas? - Houston Chronicle - (9/6/21)
American Muslims Demand More of Biden Than Simply Not Being Trump - Truthout - (1/21/21)
Trump vs. His Uighur Policy - Project Syndicate - (7/24/20)
Corporate News Coverage of the Pandemic is Rife With Islamophobia - Truthout - (4/19/20)
Media's "Good vs. Bad Guy" Rhetoric Bolsters Warmongering - Truthout - (1/9/20)
More Than Just a "Joke": The Unchecked Misogyny of Some Muslim Male Scholars - Alt Muslimah - (11/29/19)
Why Isn't Dan Crenshaw Following His Own Advice with Ilhan Omar? - Houston Chronicle - (4/15/19)
Why are Interfaith Communities the Ones on the Front Lines Against Hate? - Bustle - (3/19/19)
In Yemen, Trump's 'America First' Has Morphed Into 'Saudi First' - TIME - (11/13/18)
The Court Has Been Wrong Before. We Must Keep Fighting. - Forward - (6/27/18)
Break the Ban Before Breaking the Fast - Medium: Why a Former White House Iftar Attendee Organized a Counter Iftar - (6/6/18)
Trump's Jerusalem Decision Puts the Middle East on Knife's Edge - CNN - (12/7/17)
Enough With the Profiling Already! - Huffington Post - (12/6/17)
Less than One Month After Charlottesville, Bigotry is Back - HuffPost - (9/8/17)
Sessions Hearing Strengthened My Resolve to Increase Muslim Engagement in Congress - HuffPost - (1/13/17)
The World, Not Just Assad, Is to Blame for Aleppo Tragedy - Truthout - (12/15/16)
As a Muslim American, a Trump Presidency Was My Worst Nightmare. But I'm Not Going Anywhere - Salaam Gateway - (11/10/16)
Muslim Tourists Likely to Avoid U.S. in Near Future - Salaam Gateway - (11/8/16)
Muslim Americans Organize with their Money and Their Votes - Salaam Gateway - (10/30/16)
Ban or Path to Citizenship? How American Immigration Reform Affects the Global Islamic Economy - Salaam Gateway - (10/23/16)
Trump's anti-Muslim Rhetoric Could Hurt Muslim Investments in U.S. - and His Wallet - Salaam Gateway - (10/16/16)
Want Peace Between Israel and Palestine? The Iran Deal is a Good Guide - The Guardian - (9/21/16)
Don't Make Gun Control Yet Another Way to Persecute Muslims - The Guardian - (6/24/16)
Why American Muslims Should Look Beyond the White House - CNN - (5/6/16)
On Palestinian Human Rights, We in America Need to Move from Talk to Action - Haaretz - (4/19/16)
The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Problem: Why Do Anti-Islam Muslims Keep Getting Promoted as "Experts"? - Vox - (3/1/16)
Obama's Mosque Visit a Step Forward, but More Work Ahead - Huffington Post - (2/11/16)
Muslim Protectors: The Untold Story of the Holocaust - Huffington Post - (2/1/16)
As an American Muslim, I'm Tired of Having to Prove I Belong - VICE - (1/1/16)
Don't Wait for the Next War to Rebuild Gaza - Al Jazeera America - (12/24/15)
Occupation's Violence Admitted by Israeli Officials - But What About Congress? - The Hill - (11/12/15)
I Am Your Protector: Creating a New Reality Through Stories of Real Life Heroes - Huffington Post - (10/21/15)
Anti-Muslim Remarks Not Just Offensive - They Also Affect Policy - The Hill - (9/30/15)
What Obama Got Wrong on ISIS - The Hill - (7/10/15)
The Case for Boycotts and Engagement - Why I Attended the White House Iftar - Patheos Muslim - (6/28/15)
It's On Us to Stop Americans from Joining ISIS - Huffington Post - (6/15/15)
Why the Iraqi Plan to Retake Ramadi from the Islamic State Group is Doomed - US News & World Report (6/2/15)
Congress's Destructive anti-Palestine Agenda: The International Outrage Nobody is Talking About - Salon - (5/14/15)
Pamela Geller and Company Went Looking for Trouble - Dallas Morning News - (5/5/15)
Nuclear Negotiators Must Continue Their Work - The Baltimore Sun - (4/4/15)
What Netanyahu Got Wrong - FCNL - (3/3/15)
Watershed Week for Diplomacy - FCNL - (2/26/15)
Bombs are Not the Answer: 5 Non-Military Ways to Stop the Islamic State Group - US News & World Report - (2/18/15)
#MuslimLivesMatter: Tragedy at Chapel Hill - FCNL - (2/11/15)
Enough is Enough: No More Tolerating Hateful Comments from Elected Officials - Huffington Post (2/9/15)
I was Heckled by Christians at Texas Muslim Capitol Day - Muslim Girl - (2/2/15)
Let's Not Appropriate Hijab - Coming of Faith - (11/24/14)
Why Young Muslims Should Reject ISIL - Al Jazeera America - (10/16/14)
After the Ceasefire: Injured Gazans Return to More Challenges - Huffington Post - (9/23/14)
Where is the Justice? - Huffington Post - (7/11/14)
America, Home of the Double Standard? - Huffington Post - (2/4/14)
The Problem with Petitions- for Muslim School Holidays and Otherwise - Patheos Muslim - (1/28/14)
Leggo My Flashcards! - Huffington Post - (12/31/13)
Somewhere in America, Muslim Women Are... - Alt Muslimah - (12/5/13)
Muslim Superheroes - Marketing Gimmick or Much More? - Huffington Post - (11/11/13)
Torn: A Film on Fear, Faith, and Stereotypes in America - Huffington Post - (10/18/13)
The Pentagon's Guantanamo Review Board - Progress or Procrastination? - Huffington Post - (10/15/13)
Visibly Muslim by Choice - Coming of Faith - (8/21/13)
Meeting Malala - Huffington Post - (7/15/13)
Want to Visit the Holy Land? First, You Have to Get In - Huffington Post - (8/11/13)
Boiling Pot: A Scalding Lesson on America's Enduring Racism - Huffington Post - (6/4/13)
Day by Day: An American Muslim's Thoughts After the Boston Attack - Huffington Post - (4/23/13)
'You Must Visit Jerusalem' - Huffington Post - (5/28/13)
A Muslim Convention in a Church? You Better Believe It - Huffington Post - (12/19/12)
'I Have Aha Moment Exhaustion!' My Afternoon With Oprah and Pastor Rick Warren - Huffington Post (10/12/12)
The Anti-Islam Video that Broke the Camel's Back - Huffington Post - (9/27/12)
A Visit to the 9/11 Memorial - Huffington Post - (9/11/12)